Nils I. Palsson

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Now an Official #Delegate4Bernie

Lake County to send Sanders’ delegates to Democratic National Convention

from the Lake County Record Bee

Lake County >> Supporters of Bernie Sanders have taken the first step toward sending several Lake County residents to the Democratic National Convention as delegates.

Caucuses in Napa and Davis on Sunday selected the Sanders delegate slates for Congressional Districts 5 and 3. Both include parts of Lake County.

Ava Kennedy and Nils Palsson were among the top vote receivers in CD5. Natalie Higley and Jonathan Holt captured top spots in CD3. Kennedy and Higley are members of the steering committee of Lake County, CA for Bernie Sanders. Palsson is a candidate for Congress from CD5.

“This caucus was a great success for the Lake County Bernie supporters,” Tim Williams, a member of the steering committee, said. “Lake County will be sending at least two, and perhaps four, delegates. These men and women have an important task as the nomination will not be settled until the convention.”

The June 7 primary election is the next step in the delegate selection process. Voters who have registered as Democrat or no party preference (NPP) by May 23 can vote in the Democratic primary. NPP voters must specifically request a Democratic ballot at the polls or by calling (707) 263-2372 if voting by mail.

Voters registered as members of any other party, including the American Independent may not vote in the Democratic primary.

Results of the June 7 primary will determine how many CD3 and CD5 delegates will come from the Sanders slate and how many will come from the Clinton slate.

“Secretary Clinton will not have enough delegates to win the nomination before the convention. This will be a contested convention,” Kennedy said. “The delegates and super delegates will have to look at the hard facts: Every recent national poll shows Bernie leading over Trump by much bigger margins — he is the stronger candidate to defeat Trump in November.”

Lake County, CA for Bernie Sanders is a group of volunteers not formally associated with the Sanders campaign. Its office, which is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, is located at 302 Armstrong St. in Lakeport. The staff is happy to help supporters of any candidate register to vote.

The group is also on Facebook at “Lake County, CA for Bernie Sanders!” and can be contacted by email at or by telephone at (707) 600-1197.