Nils I. Palsson

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There is No Republican!

Breaking News: There's No Republican in This Race!

When I ran for US Congress in 2016, I came in 3rd with 12.5% of the vote. It was a four-way primary, and only the top two vote-getters (regardless of party) would make it into the November General Election. Second place went to the Republican, who got 19% of the vote, despite having no website and no campaign to speak of. Those voters just identified as Republican, chose the guy with the (R) next to his name, and the rest was history.

I'm writing with big news: after successfully filing as a candidate for the 2018 election, I learned that there is no Republican in the race this year! The most conservative man on the ballot is probably the ten-term 'Democratic' incumbent I'm challenging. There is also a Green who is not a serious contender, and one other No Party candidate who has no website, and whose Facebook profile says he lives in New Mexico. What I'm trying to say is: WE GOT THIS.

Our chance of taking second in the June Primary just went way up.

And if I can get the incumbent into a 1-on-1, I just know I can take him.

Will you continue to share you support for this campaign?

Even more exciting news: I learned that we are the only campaign (aside from the incumbent) to file an official Candidate Statement (the 250-word blurb in the packet mailed home to voters before the election). This puts us in an excellent position: We are the only serious challenger in this race.

The only annoying news is how much it cost to get on the ballot and get that statement published: Over ten grand! (See infographic below.)

Please donate $27 (or whatever you can) to this campaign for us all!

I'm committed to winning this raceFor the people. And in order to do it, I need to raise some real funds, in community. The only way we can compete with the $5,000 and $10,000 donations the establishment incumbent receives regularly from big banks, pharmaceutical and health insurance giants, weapons manufacturers, fossil fuel & telecom companies, and other huge corporations, is if we rise up together and invest our energy in the change we need.

My allegiance is to our planet and people -- to Main Street, not Wall Street. We are in this together, and we'll win this together!

Can I count on your support today?

My top priority is getting money out of politics.
Click here to learn more about how I intend to do it,
and join this campaign for us all today.

My top legislative priority is getting money out of politics. On most issues - student debt and high-cost education, unaffordable healthcare, income inequality, climate chaos, racial injustice and mass incarceration, endless war, and many more - the reason our needs are not being met is that Big Money has taken over politics.