Nils I. Palsson

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Gold Stars: Meet Lucas Wolf

Haaaave You Met Lucas Wolf?

All My Relations!

I write with good tidings and bearing a beautiful gift for you: the music of my dear brother, Lucas Wolf. Even if you're in a hurry, I encourage you to click through and hear this one song.

Unless you were part of our ragtag group of musician and artist friends in Lake County circa 2010-2015 (or are currently part of the indy scene of up-and-coming troubadours around Boulder), you probably haven’t come across Lucas Wolf.


He is a phenomenal musician.

As my mom told me tearfully the other night when we listened to this song in the car, “he’s as good as anyone on the radio!” (likening him in the same breath to Jason Mraz and Trevor Hall). But as you’re probably aware, it is really hard these days to break through as any sort of artist.

Even when you’ve got the stuff — which this guy definitely does! — it is damn near impossible to make a career as a musician. But if anyone deserves to (if anyone has put in the years of blood, sweat, calluses and personal growth), it is Lucas.

Listen for yourself. “I Don’t Know Your Name” is one of my favorite songs, but keep listening if you feel the vibe. “Horizon” and “Falling into Place” are equally beautiful. It's truly all good.

Funny side-note: when little Satya was born at home back in 2012, despite my having curated a beautiful playlist of the most divine and relaxing spiritual birth music, she decided to be born to an earlier recording of brother Wolf's “Birds” that had somehow slipped into the mix.

Not that I can blame her. It's a great song.

I am introducing Lucas Wolf to you today for a few reasons:

First, music is life, and I just want to give you the gift of great music.

Lucas is is a dear friend and the first of many excellent artists and cultural creatives I hope to share with y'all. May you enjoy!

Second, I’m hoping to do my part, through simple word of mouth, to support this warrior in finding the audience that I know is waiting for him out there. Over the years, he has created more and more powerful and crisply produced music, and he's gradually found his way to larger and larger venues (chiefly in Colorado, where he lives with his three beautiful kids) — and I really wish to see Lucas blowing up and succeeding beyond his wildest dreams as a musician. And I know how important connections can be when it comes to finding a break as a performer.

Who knows... maybe you will feel inspired to support Lucas — book him for a show, cop an album, send a donation, follow him on Insta or YouTube, or (best yet) forward this post to that powerful producer you happen to have in your rolodex?

Third, I just want to celebrate my brother and show some love and appreciation.

He has been my closest friend during some of my most challenging years of young fatherhood, our daughters were born within about a week of one another back in 2012, and I got such tremendous love for the Wolf family that I can’t help but howl it!

In the years since our girls began playing together as infants — through their toddlerhood in gymnastics together and the Wolf squad's move back to Colorado after the Valley Fire — this brother has never stopped playing and dreaming big.

Lucas has gone through some difficult chapters, and his discography shows it, chronicling his early battles with addiction, his days living out of his truck and hustling two jobs to support his amazing kids, his time studying to become a yoga teacher, and his emergence as an increasingly powerful and conscious spiritual warrior on the path.

Through it all, he hasn't put down the guitar.

I've got boundless respect for this man. He is perseverance embodied, and his music is dope. I do hope you'll give him a listen!

Much love and respect,


🌟🌟🌟 Introducing: Gold Stars! 🌟🌟🌟

This is the first installment in an ongoing series of Gold Stars posts, intended to honor and uplift the work of others.

In her brilliant book Dare to Lead, beloved author and sociologist Brené Brown writes about the importance of leaders (which we all are!) having the courage to celebrate and acknowledge what others do well, rather than constantly seeking props for our own deeds.

We get trapped so often in our own search for recognition that we can lose sight of the amazing gifts those around us have to offer. I've certainly noticed that tendency in myself, not only through my recent struggles, but throughout this last decade-plus in which I've been struggling to emerge. We all want to be seen!

"In a daring leadership role, it's time to lift up our teams and help them shine. This is one of the most difficult hurdles," Brown writes, "especially for those of us who are used to hustling."

There are so many amazing brothers, sisters, teachers and mentors I've come across on my path — probably including you! — and as I continue stepping into my own daring leadership, I intend to honor you all.

Who are some of your "gold stars" out there?

Whose work inspires you?

Drop me a line any time, or leave a comment below!

And above all, keep shining your unique light! 🌟