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Signature-Gathering to Get Nils on the Ballot!

This is the signature-gathering period for getting Nils on the ballot. In order to register as a candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, the cost is $1,800 OR 3,000 signatures.

During this period, volunteers are encouraged to download the Signatures-in-Lieu form and go out canvassing door-to-door or in public places, getting registered voters to sign the form to get Nils on the ballot.

A note to signature-gatherers: By printing this form and gathering signatures, you are acting as a "circulator." For the signatures you've gathered to count, you must:

  1. Print this form two-sided and gather signatures of registered voters only.
  2. Write the name of your county on the blank line on page 1
  3. Complete the "Affadavit of Circulator" portion on the back of each form you turn in.
    (don't forget to add your name and signature to the petition itself!)
  4. Have each person signing be sure to print, sign, and include their residential address.
  5. Turn this form in to your local Registrar of Voters office by 5pm on Weds, Feb. 7th.

To sign up as a volunteer, or for questions about signature-gathering, feel free to email or call Nils directly at 415-646-5630.