This is the signature-gathering period for getting Nils on the ballot. In order to register as a candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, the cost is $1,800 OR 3,000 signatures.
During this period, volunteers are encouraged to download the Signatures-in-Lieu form and go out canvassing door-to-door or in public places, getting registered voters to sign the form to get Nils on the ballot.
A note to signature-gatherers: By printing this form and gathering signatures, you are acting as a "circulator." For the signatures you've gathered to count, you must:
- Print this form two-sided and gather signatures of registered voters only.
- Write the name of your county on the blank line on page 1
- Complete the "Affadavit of Circulator" portion on the back of each form you turn in.
(don't forget to add your name and signature to the petition itself!) - Have each person signing be sure to print, sign, and include their residential address.
- Turn this form in to your local Registrar of Voters office by 5pm on Weds, Feb. 7th.
To sign up as a volunteer, or for questions about signature-gathering, feel free to email or call Nils directly at 415-646-5630.