2018 Campaign Videos
Please share these videos widely across social media. This is how we build the revolution!
My top legislative priority is getting money out of politics. On most issues - student debt and high-cost education, unaffordable healthcare, income inequality, climate chaos, racial injustice and mass incarceration, endless war, and many more - the reason our needs are not being met is that Big Money has taken over politics. It's time for us to change this. Learn more about this topic here.
People ask me why I'm doing this - why I'm giving my time and energy to the mission of running for office on a playing field that we all know is far from level. The answer is simple. It is my duty. As a father, it's my job to do all in my power to give my daughter - to give all our children and grandchildren - a better world.
This video sheds a bit of light on my origin story, how going through chemo with my dad and being by his side before he died hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical debt helped to ignite within me a passion for a health care system that treats people with dignity, and how being a father to young Satya inspires me to take massive action every day to fight for a safer, healthier world for all.
For an overview of my platform, check out this March 2018 interview on Real Progressives!
What kind of ANCESTOR will you choose to be? We are at a crossroads right now as a people, and our decisions will be felt for generations to come. Will you do what's easy, or do what's right?
What happens when a sitting Congressman meets a standing Warrior? #PeoplesVictory
I'm running for U.S. Congress in CA's 5th district because I believe we need principled action and visionary leadership at this crucial moment in our history. Help me launch this campaign for social, racial, environmental and economic justice for ALL today, and join me in the movement to take back Congress for our people and planet! Join me.
2016 Video Archive
These are some videos from my 2016 run for Congress. I've learned and matured a lot since they were recorded, but they may serve to give you a sense of where I'm coming from. Enjoy!
Our future is in your hands right now. If you already know about Nils Palsson and the movement for social, racial, environmental and economic justice for ALL, please take the revolutionary step today of volunteering some time to get out the vote. The time to take action is now! #WeGotThis!
Congressional approval hovers around 10%, but somehow the incumbent reelection is 95%. Who's ready for a Political Revolution? I accept ZERO dollars from big banks, the fossil fuel industry, or any other corporations or Super-PACs. I stand for our people and planet. I am a #Delegate4Bernie and endorsed #Berniecrat. Make sure your friends are registered by May 23, and vote Nils Palsson!
Voters of CA-5 (Vallejo, Santa Rosa, Napa, Martinez, Lake County, and nearby communities), know that you have a candidate on the ballot who stands for our people and planet! This is my speech at The Stonewall Democratic Club of Solano County on May 12, 2016.
Wednesday night, we made history at the United Democrats of Southern Solano County. After hearing from a candidate who is truly for the people, this brave group broke its long tradition of endorsing the 9-term incumbent. Members were split evenly and failed to reach the 50%+1 needed to make an endorsement. This was a real victory for our grassroots campaign to change the system.
As a Representative in Congress, I will fight to end the prison-industrial complex, ban for-profit prisons, and change the paradigm from punitive justice to restorative justice! I will work to end mandatory minimum sentences, remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act, and offer our people better alternatives to criminal activity, like quality education and jobs with justice for all!
There is a Transportation Crisis. There is a Climate Crisis. Quality of life is greatest when people aren't traveling great distances to accomplish the simple actions of life, like working and eating and sleeping. These are vast and complex problems, and permaculture offers a variety of solutions. As a candidate for U.S. Congress, I have a background in regenerative design and community resilience.
In this video from a black history celebration in Konocti, I honor the radical legacy of MLK.
Dr. King wasn't just anti-racist: he was an anti-war, anti-nuke, pro-environment, anti-capitalist, and in radical solidarity with all oppressed people. Shout out to Cornel West for keeping the Black Prophetic Fire alive. Shout out to Drew Dellinger and MLK scholars the world over for keeping King studies accessible. We're still dealing with many of the same issues, which Dr. King wove together so beautifully. "What it all really boils down to is this: that all life is interrelated."
Additional Videos
The following videos were not created for this campaign; they are educational and inspirational resources that you might find interesting or useful. Let me know what you think.
These 'Crash Course' videos are excellent. I used to show them to my high school students. This is a handy little intro to the world of Congressional Elections, in which we are now immersed. Share and stay informed!