Running the Bay to Breakers this May!

Join me for a little run this May?

Greetings, Family!

This is just a quick note to share that I’ve signed up to run the Bay to Breakers, a 12 kilometer race through San Francisco, this May.

I’ve always wanted to join in this cultural phenomenon, but it has never risen up high enough on my priority list to evoke actual action. Now, though, I am more aware than ever of life’s urgency — and I am stoked to be signed up! Anyone out there care to join me?

The race is on May 15 starting at 8am. From what I understand, it is really more of a party in the streets than a race, per se. Runners often dress up (or dress waaay down) for the occasion. I don’t plan to be naked or in a Spider Man costume, myself — but I am ready to show up and have a good time!

If you are interested in signing up, you can save $10 on registration by using this link: 

If you want to run in the same corral as me, I listed my projected pace at 10-11 minutes per mile — probably a bit ambitious, given that we’ll be on actual streets (and actual hills), not the gym elliptical that I’m used to. But I had to estimate my pace and that’s what I went with.

Either way, the race is on my calendar and I’m signed up. I look forward to sharing the experience with you!