Community Resilience IS Emergency Preparedness

Community Resilience IS Emergency Preparedness

The question of our Emergency Preparedness and our Community Resilience really is a question of maturity — perhaps a longer discussion than many of us have the patience for — but it is a topic at least worth broaching. We are the stewards of our communities and lands and watersheds. If we grow up, we’ll thrive together. If we don’t, we’ll perish alone.

7 Questions with Solano County Democrats

7 Questions with Solano County Democrats

(2) What is your position on the ORCEM/VMT project and have you read the DEIR?

As a citizen of the Bay — as a father and a human being sharing this natural environment with you — I am very concerned abut the ORCEM/VMT project. I have read through the 700+page DEIR outlining the many “unavoidable” damages to our environment that would result from this project. As I understand it, ORCEM/VMT is doing its best to move forward — with shady backroom approval from local, state and federal members of the political establishment — despite the overwhelming concerns of citizens, parents, community leaders, indigenous elders, activists and citizens throughout our community.

Showdown in Vallejo

Showdown in Vallejo

This Wednesday night, we made history at the United Democrats of Southern Solano County.

After hearing from a candidate who is truly for the people, this brave group broke its long tradition of endorsing the 9-term incumbent. Members were split evenly and failed to reach the 50%+1 needed to make an endorsement. 

A number of community members and elders suggested this was a great victory for our movement. Our opponent has lost the support of the United Democrats of Solano County. That is significant. It shows that voters are ready for change! 

Lake County community organizer enters race for California’s 5th District

Lake County community organizer enters race for California’s 5th District

Enter Nils Palsson, a 30-year-old self-described community organizer from Lake County. Palsson has served as a communications coordinator for Transition US, a sustainability nonprofit out of Sebastopol. He has also served as a high school history teacher and is the host of “Wake Up and Thrive” on Lake County community station KPFZ.

Palsson describes himself as a “Berniecrat,” i.e., a candidate aligned with the views of presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT). In fact, Palsson was elected to serve as a pledged delegate for Sanders at the Democratic National Convention this July in Philadelphia.

Palsson’s platform concerns social, racial, and environmental justice for all with a special focus on getting money out of politics.

“Big money has taken over politics,” he said in a statement. “I am running for this office because we, the people, deserve a voice in government.”

Who They Represent

Who They Represent

Why is Your Democratic Representative Accepting Millions from the World’s Worst Corporations?

If our elected officials were more like NASCAR drivers, with logos showing us where they get their money, you would see Wal-Mart, Verizon, Tesoro, Lockheed-Martin, Morgan Stanley, and a great many other corporate sponsors on the jacket of Congressman Mike Thompson.

Probably too many logos to fit on a single coat.

My name is Nils Palsson, and I am writing this not only as a candidate for United States Congress (and a true progressive challenger to Thompson’s 18-year reign of establishment politics in that same seat): I am writing this a citizen, and as a constituent in California’s 5th Congressional District.

I’m writing this as a father.

Now an Official #Delegate4Bernie

Now an Official #Delegate4Bernie

Ava Kennedy and Nils Palsson were among the top vote receivers in CD5. Natalie Higley and Jonathan Holt captured top spots in CD3. Kennedy and Higley are members of the steering committee of Lake County, CA for Bernie Sanders. Palsson is a candidate for Congress from CD5.

Pledged to Our Democracy

Pledged to Our Democracy

I am a community builder, teacher of people’s history, and candidate for United States Congress in California’s 5th District. I’ve been a grassroots organizer with the Transition Movement, working toward thriving resilience and local empowerment, for several years in Lake County, CA and around the North Bay Area. I am a father, I am an active citizen, and I believe in democracy: rule of the people.

I am running for Congress because we face urgent and epic-scale issues — from global warming and income inequality to systemic racism and the prison-industrial complex — and I see our elected officials doing very little to address the issues most important to the people. Most of our politicians in Congress, Democrat and Republican alike, take money from big banks, the fossil fuel industry, and other ‘special interests’ that undermine our democracy. They vote in line with those who cut the checks, and keep silent on the most critical issues, like climate change. This is why electing representatives who actually represent the people is tantamount to political revolution. 

Donations Needed to Get Nils on the Ballot

Donations Needed to Get Nils on the Ballot

In just a couple of weeks, with your help, we gathered hundreds of signatures of nomination, from all around the district -- in the process of nominating Nils as the people's candidate for U.S House of Representatives (CA-5). In fact, we gathered hundreds more signatures than either of our confirmed opponents, each of whom apparently submitted only the bare minimum.