Read Nils Palsson's Responses to Ballotpedia Candidate Survey

Read Nils Palsson's Responses to Ballotpedia Candidate Survey

Nils Palsson participated in Ballotpedia's candidate survey on May 11, 2018. The survey questions appear in bold, and Nils Palsson's responses follow below.

What would be your top three priorities, if elected?

1) Getting money out of politics and reclaiming our democracy.

2) Ensuring top-quality education, universal health care and affordable housing for all.

3) Bold leadership on the crises of climate change, wealth inequality and racial injustice. Achieving social, racial, environmental and economic justice for all.

A Candidate with a Contract

A Candidate with a Contract

Palsson has joined with Florida independent candidate for Congress Tim Canova and over 60 other candidates for federal office in signing a candidate contract committing these public servants to taking concrete action to eliminate corruption and create a more transparent and accountable government, including overturning Citizens United and linking Congressional salary to the median household income in America. 

#NotForSale: Nils Signs the American Promise Pledge

#NotForSale: Nils Signs the American Promise Pledge

Independent Nils Palsson from California joins the hundreds of candidates across the nation who have proudly proclaimed they're #NotForSale by signing the American Promise Candidate Pledge. A 28th Amendment is an issue every candidate, regardless of political party, should be behind. Palsson: “Real integrity means standing with out people and planet — not huge corporations and their lobbyists. This campaign accepts NO money from corporate special interests. I stand with our families and communities. Let’s take back Congress!”

Feel the Turn - Nils Featured in the North Bay Bohemian

Feel the Turn - Nils Featured in the North Bay Bohemian

Can Bernie backer Nils Palsson unseat incumbent Mike Thompson?

Nils Palsson is running against Blue Dog Democrat Mike Thompson in California's 5th congressional district, decrying the incumbent's long list of big-money contributions from the corporate world as he's launched a Sanders-friendly campaign—and accepting individual contributions of $27.

There is No Republican!

There is No Republican!

I'm writing with big news: after successfully filing as a candidate for the 2018 election, I learned that there is no Republican in the race this year! The most conservative man on the ballot is probably the ten-term 'Democratic' incumbent I'm challenging. There is also a Green who is not a serious contender, and one other No Party candidate who has no website, and whose Facebook profile says he lives in New Mexico. What I'm trying to say is: WE GOT THIS.